Electrum mirror
Electrum mirror

electrum mirror

Finally, at a time of such a conjunction with Mars, the whole is completed by the addition of the powdered iron. At a time of a conjunction of the moon and the sun, Saturn or Mercury, the silver is added likewise, and at a time of a conjunction of Venus with one of the above named planets the copper is added. You must now wait until a conjunction of the sun and either one or both of the above named planets takes place, and then add the gold to the compound after melting it previously. After this has been done, wait for a conjunction of Jupiter with Saturn and Mercury, melt the compound of lead and mercury in a crucible, and in another crucible the tin, and pour the two metals together at the moment of such conjunction. As soon as this takes place melt the lead and add the mercury, and let it cool. Now wait for the hour when the planets Saturn and Mercury come into conjunction, and have all your preparations ready for that occasion have the fire, the crucible, the mercury and the lead ready, so that there will be no delay when the time of the conjunction arrives, for the work must be done during the moments ofthe conjunction.

electrum mirror

The electrum magicum is prepared as follows: Take ten parts of pure gold, ten of silver, five of copper, two of tin, two of lead, one part of powdered iron, and five of mercury. A composition of seven metals, compounded according to certain rules and planetary influences a preparation of great magic power, of which magic rings, mirrors, and many other things may be made.

Electrum mirror